When I was graduating college trying to find out what I wanted to spend the rest of my life doing I asked my dad for advice and it’s stuck with me ever since. He said, “Find the people who are doing what you want to do and ask them how they got there.” I’ve never forgotten these words.

This advice was different from what my professors and fellow graduating students were telling me. My father was simply suggesting make connections with people I wanted to be like. That made more sense to me than anything I’ve heard before. But more importantly what I discovered after reaching out CEOS, entrepreneurs, writers, filmmakers and marketers, who I aspired to be, were that their paths were never what they expected. They weaved through jobs, different careers, and fields until they found their sole passion.

At any point in my career I’ve always wondered how CEOs, start-ups or people who have a good idea turn it into a reality. What drives them? What sets them apart to accomplish something that no one else has achieved yet?

My blog will be dedicated to answering these questions, finding insights on passion, and sharing ways to apply them in your own life.

If you know someone with a great story to tell don’t hesitate to email me at katieleimkuehler@gmail.com