Social Media


Ladyboss Blogger Elaine Rau Shares Entrepreneur Advice

What kind of work do you do? I help women get paid for their work online as bloggers, influencers, and entrepreneurs. I teach online courses on how to become a...


Five Guidelines for Creating an Effective Digital Portfolio

By: Colleen Gill Whether you are pitching a client or applying for a job, sharing your work is key, and a portfolio is an excellent option. Below are five simple...

Social Media Management: Which Tools are the Best?

Using social media to develop an online presence and personal brand for your business, although it pays big dividends, can be a time-consuming process. But with the right tools, the...


6 Ways to Engage with Social Media Influencers

Want to take your social media to the next level? Then it’s time to start working with influencers! Social media influencers are people with an established social media audience who...


How to Use Youtube to Market Your Business

With over 30 million unique visitors per day and thousands of hours of videos uploaded every day, Youtube is the world’s largest video search engine. In fact, Youtube is currently...


3 Steps to Connecting with Customers on Social Media

Social media is a vital part to any business, but it’s not just enough to use you – you have to actively utilize all that it offers you. Your social...