social media influencer

If you’re on social media, it’s for a reason. You want to connect with your customers, you want to build relationships with industry professionals and create brand awareness. But if you really want to stand out from the crowd and become a top influencer online there are a few key steps you can take to get there.

1. Measure and build your influence.

If you really want to know how you are doing on social media, sign up for Klout. It will rank you based on the amount you respond to others, the consistency of the content you share and it will show you the social networks you need to improve on. You must be extremely diligent in every respect. This means responding to all posts and comments, asking questions vs. stating sentences no one can respond to, and by all means, please limit your self-promotion.

2. Participate in Tweet Chats weekly.

If you want to be known among the people in your field that matter, you need to get in front of them and have conversations. Participating in Tweet Chats is a quick and fast way to build relationships. There are Tweet Chats for nearly every topic. You can find a list of them here. (If you want someone to host a Tweet Chat for you, contact me. )

3. To be an influencer, you must connect with influencers.

And the greatest question of all—how? Promote their work consistently. They will thank you and the doorway to a conversation has opened. You might not get a response from huge influencers like Tim Ferriss, but if you connect with the wave of up-and-coming influencers in your industry—chances are you’ll create a valuable relationship. Don’t miss the opportunity to connect with them while they are on the rise.

4. Add value consistently through the content you share.

If you want to be considered an influencer, you have to know your stuff. And this means acting as a content curator. You need to share the top blogs, articles and videos of people in your field every single day. The higher valued content you share, the higher value people will place on you and your expertise.

5. You need a voice and a place to share your knowledge.

You’ve guessed right. You need a blog. For a few reasons, you need your own content to share that gets people back to your site and you need to enhance your credibility.It’s one thing to share everyone else’s content, but when you create the content, you’ve just elevated to the next level. (Click to Tweet!)

Need help help becoming a social media influencer? Email me at

This post originally appeared on LinkedIn.

tweet chat


If you’re looking to actively grow your social media presence and build up your Twitter than you should absolutely be hosting your own Twitter Chat! What is a Twitter Chat or Tweet Chat? Well, it’s basically an online chat room on Twitter where people who share a common interest such as travel, marketing or writing come together for an hour and talk about tips and best practices they’ve learned. This is typically done with a hashtag like #BrandChat #BlogChat.  Each Twitter Chat has a host, who directs the questions and navigates the conversation, and that host could be you! So, why is a Twitter Chat so hugely beneficial?

Here are 4 reasons why you should be hosting your own Twitter Chat.

1. Building and highlighting your expertise.

When you’re hosting a chat, people trust you and they quickly learn that you know what you are talking about in your field. You also build influence among your community.

2. Grow your brand exposure and customer base. 

Twitter Chats create massive exposure for your brand and in a fast pace way. It’s a quick way to interact with your customers, hear their thoughts and concerns, and address them in a positive manner. It also exposes you to new fans who may never have heard of you before and is an excellent way to market your company or brand.

3. Learn about new trends in your industry and what people want.

Be the first to know about a new site, product or app that might help you do your business better. During the chat most users will share valuable content and info that you can go back to later and review. You’ll be on top of the newest happenings from your own audience! Not to mention you might stumble across an idea for a new product based on feedback from your customers or learn how tweak one that already exists.

4. Creating ultimate transparency and a true connection with your fan base.

By hosting a Twitter Chat you’re telling your audience you’re an expert in this topic by helping answering their questions and facilitating a discussion. You are also connecting them with like-minded individuals and creating a lasting bond that will have them coming back to each chat. Not mention, it’s an excellent way to do a product launch after you’ve hosted several chats.

Not sure you want to host your own? Well, first participate in one! Find a Twitter Chat and learn how to join a Twitter Chat. If you need help or want me to host a your chat just email me at


So you’re ready to grow your brand on Twitter, but not sure how to do it? Well, here are five tips that will increase your followers and engagement that will help your brand soar to the next level in social media.

Share intriguing content. Find your niche industry and focus on ways you can help people. Post links to great articles, quotes that move you and captivating images. This is key.

Post during the peak hours. Twitter’s highest traffic times are between 1-3 p.m. ET that will give you the highest click rate. Check out this infographic that show the best times to post.

Mimic the leaders. See what other powerful Tweeters are doing. What are they sharing? How do they interact with people. Take notes and implement on your account.

Take advantage of hashtags. Don’t miss out on people finding you. Whatever the topic or post is you’re writing, i.e. #socialmedia, be sure to add the hashtag so if people search the subject your tweets come up.

Join a Twitter Chat. Participate in quick online discussions on any topic from business to writing. Check out a list of Twitter Chats scheduled throughout the week. This is a quick way to interact with people in your industry and build up relationships. Be ready for some fast paced interactions and take advantage of Tweet Chat to stay in on the conversation.