why no one shares your content


There are two main goals for writing blog posts and having a social media presence: 1) To add value to your customers and fans and 2) To build your credibility. But if no one is sharing your blog posts, Tweets, Pins, or Instagram pics what’s the point of having them at all? Don’t let this happen to you! If people aren’t sharing your content or posts there could be a few reasons why.

1. You don’t have a call to action.

You need to think about what you want your audience to do and then tell them to do it! It’s that simple. Sometimes it’s as easy as asking: Please share this! If you want to get a post more traction trying ending the post with a question: what do you think? How does this impact you? Agree or disagree and why? Remember you need to give people a reason to interact.

2. You haven’t created enough hype.

Do you have a new course launching, a new program coming up or a giveaway? Well, don’t expect people to flock to you just because you have something new—you have to create anticipation. Give the first 5 Facebook likes, RTs or Repins, a free session or giveaway. Give them an incentive to share it and be sure to post about the big product or service weeks or months in advance before the big unveil. If you’re launching a product be sure to check out Jeff Walker, he is a master of implementing successful launch campaigns.

3. You haven’t nailed the “clickable” strategy.

And what I mean by this is why would someone want to not only click on something, but share and comment on it? Is the headline bait so amazing you just have to see what else the post has to say? Is the photo hilarious or breathtaking? Is the post very biased to get a heated discussion going? Stop thinking like your audience for one second and think of your actions. What do you click on? What do you share with your family and friends? Take those ideas and transfer them to your content and social media strategy.

4. You haven’t built your audience enough.

It’s hard to get shares when you have just a few hundred followers, you need to build your online relationships just as you would in person. It takes time and dedication, but it can be done. If you want blog comments, comment on other blogs. If you want retweets, you need to retweet others—social media is all a give and take, so promote others and it will come back to you. (Click to Tweet!)

Want help getting your content shared? You can email me at katieleimkuehler@gmail.com for help.

This post originally was published on LinkedIn. 

blog tips

You’ve built a website, have a blog and now you’re wondering the question everyone asks: how do you get people to read it and share it? Having a blog is step one, writing irresistible content that gets shared is step two–so just how do you do that? Here are four tips that will help you take your blog to the next level.

1. Write headlines that people can’t resist. This is the dealer breaker most people over look. If you have a great post, but no one clicks on it, what’s the point? Work on writing clickable headlines. Think in terms of templates such as lists posts like “5 Reasons Traveling Changes Your Life,” or how-to posts such as, “How to Find out What Social Media Channel You Should Be On“ or round-up posts that interviews several experts in your field such as “Expert Social Media Tips to Consider as You Build Your Startup Brand.” Need ideas for inspiration? Check out Buzzfeed they are masters of writing a headline that gets read and shared.

2. Only write content that solves problems or answers questions. Why? Because this guarantees you are adding value. And when you add value, you become valuable and so do your posts. (Click to Tweet!) That doesn’t mean they should be boring. The ideal post combines solving problems while being entertaining. Think of your blog posts as a forum to share all your wisdom and knowledge you would with a mentee. Give them the good stuff, the high value advice and tips that have changed the game for your business or career. Bonus points if you can cover a topic from a new angle that has not been written about yet.

3. Be genuine, transparent and honest. People can spot a fake a mile away, so just be yourself. Own your voice, your style, your mission and company’s values. You will stand out from the crowd when you can craft a message and people can tell it’s from you or your company. Do you have personal or business mistakes or lessons you’ve learned that you can share that will help others? Those insightful blog posts have huge value especially if you can guide people from making the same mistakes.

4. Tell stories. People remember stories much easier than straight up facts. So if you can incorporate a storytelling component into your posts whether personally or professionally, you will have created a post that resonates with people and that they can connect with while adding value.

Remember to be an authority by providing content on new trends in your industry and offering insights and perspectives outside of the norm. If you need help building your content strategy, don’t hesitate to reach out to me at katieleimkuehler@gmail.com or sign up for a Social Media Strategy Session.

This blog was originally posted on LinkedIn.

tweet chat


If you’re looking to actively grow your social media presence and build up your Twitter than you should absolutely be hosting your own Twitter Chat! What is a Twitter Chat or Tweet Chat? Well, it’s basically an online chat room on Twitter where people who share a common interest such as travel, marketing or writing come together for an hour and talk about tips and best practices they’ve learned. This is typically done with a hashtag like #BrandChat #BlogChat.  Each Twitter Chat has a host, who directs the questions and navigates the conversation, and that host could be you! So, why is a Twitter Chat so hugely beneficial?

Here are 4 reasons why you should be hosting your own Twitter Chat.

1. Building and highlighting your expertise.

When you’re hosting a chat, people trust you and they quickly learn that you know what you are talking about in your field. You also build influence among your community.

2. Grow your brand exposure and customer base. 

Twitter Chats create massive exposure for your brand and in a fast pace way. It’s a quick way to interact with your customers, hear their thoughts and concerns, and address them in a positive manner. It also exposes you to new fans who may never have heard of you before and is an excellent way to market your company or brand.

3. Learn about new trends in your industry and what people want.

Be the first to know about a new site, product or app that might help you do your business better. During the chat most users will share valuable content and info that you can go back to later and review. You’ll be on top of the newest happenings from your own audience! Not to mention you might stumble across an idea for a new product based on feedback from your customers or learn how tweak one that already exists.

4. Creating ultimate transparency and a true connection with your fan base.

By hosting a Twitter Chat you’re telling your audience you’re an expert in this topic by helping answering their questions and facilitating a discussion. You are also connecting them with like-minded individuals and creating a lasting bond that will have them coming back to each chat. Not mention, it’s an excellent way to do a product launch after you’ve hosted several chats.

Not sure you want to host your own? Well, first participate in one! Find a Twitter Chat and learn how to join a Twitter Chat. If you need help or want me to host a your chat just email me at katieleimkuehler@gmail.com.

Did you know that there is 1 billon names searched in Google every day? There is no denying that managing your online presence is critical whether that’s for job hunting or building up your business credibility—what people find when they search for you can change their perception of who you are.

So what if someone has your same name and a bad reputation? Or what happens if those college drinking photos surface?

Well, now there is a way to control your Google search results that you can afford. BrandYourself was started after one of the co-founders, Pete Kistler, couldn’t land an internship because there was another guy with the same name from the same area who happened to be a drug dealer. So, naturally companies made the wrong assumption and wouldn’t hire him. Pete decided he would pay a reputation management firm a few thousand dollars to fix the problem. But his friend and fellow Syracuse University classmate, Patrick Ambron, a SEO expert, came up with a solution—BrandYourself.

Control Your Search Results

The start-up company allows you to create a profile and promote good links about yourself and push down bad links back a few pages on Google and the best part? It’s free. But if you really want to ramp up your search results you can pay for the premium version starting only at $9.99 a month. And what comes with that upgrade? Information on the people who’ve searched you and how they found you—what could be more valuable?

The biggest benefit BrandYourself offers is the fact that you don’t have to learn SEO to control your Google search results. It’s a Do-It Yourself platform. After you sign up it will walk you through the process of getting your LinkedIn profile or website to the top of your search results. It will tell you the exact actions you can take to increase the visibility of the links you want people to see and hide the ones you don’t want people to see. It also scores your profile and keeps track of your progress so if new links are added about you (or someone with the same name) you’ll be notified.

What are your Google search results saying about you? Check out this infographic from BrandYourself that shows what people are finding when they search you.

The time has to come to spread the word about your business and tell people just how fabulous it is! And how do you do that? Check out these crucial marketing techniques.

1. Share you work. The newest way is to showcase your work is through Pinterest. The site lets you not only look for inspiration for your next project, but it lets you show off your current work. The image-based website allows users to post or “pin” images and photos to “boards” that serve as category organizers that you can share with your followers. Think of it as a real life bulletin board come to life—only in the public eye.

2. Build relationships. Never underestimate the power of meeting new people and maintaining strong relationships with them—both in person and online. This goes beyond networking. It’s about fostering work friendships that can create opportunities for you before you’re even looking for them.

3. Become an expert. If you have a strong focus in a specialty area people will come to you time and time again because they know you are the expert. Carve out a niche that sets yourself apart from other designers.

4. Dress the part. Not only should you be dressing to impress your client in person; impress them online. Develop a high quality, intriguing and creative website that entices clients to want to meet you in person. These days most first impressions are formed online so make sure it’s a great one. Need inspiration? Check out the Top 10 Best Flash Websites of 2012.

5. Create buzz. Develop a social media strategy that engages users that is not just self-promotional. Try to become a source for clients with industry news, relevant content and foster those relationships through conversations. Think of it as your own word-of- mouth marketing, but through an online platform.

*This post was originally printed in the IIDA Design Matters blog.

Making relationships both online and in-person is key for marketing your business.

As they say content is king. And to be successful in social media you must know where to find it, how to harness it and spread it. What websites do you visit every day? Why do you visit them? Because you know there will be a great story, new article or video posted that’s right up your alley.

It’s just as important to share your own content as it is to find topics from other websites relevant to your readers. Staying on top of trends and conversations demonstrates that you are an expert in your field. So stay alert and keep searching for fun and interesting articles, blogs, quotes, videos and infographics to share. Here are a few tips to help find some the best content for your website.

Know your industry. Find the top 10 companies in your field and see what they’re talking about and what trends they’re not talking about—write about things that no one else is in your field. They’ll flock to your site if you have something the others don’t.

Get inspired. Go to websites in completely different fields, like The Cool Hunter, or TechCrunch, to see what you could use from their content in a unique way on your site. How would your readers be impacted by an out-of-the-box marketing campaign or a new iPhone app? Put yourself in their shoes to see what would be most intriguing.

What questions do you get asked all the time? Being seen as a resource is huge! If you’re not answering your customers questions on your website or your blog they’ll go somewhere else. Make a list of all the questions you get asked that go beyond the typical FAQ and blog about them each separately. Your readers will be thankful and will continue to return to look for more answers.